miércoles, 12 de diciembre de 2012

First Conditional

First Conditional

First conditional (positive)
the first conditional is used to ask for permissions in exchange for favors or conditions by example:carlos says to his MOM: If you take me to the movie theaters, I will wash the dishes.

First conditional (positivo)
el first conditional se usa para pedir permisos a cambio de favores o condiciones por ejemplo:
carlos le dice a su mamá: si me llevas al cines, yo lavare los trastes.

to separate the permit condition a semicolon (,) is used to separate properly and to understand that it is saying

para separar la condicion del permiso se usa una coma (,) para separar correctamente y poder entender al que lo esta diciendo

here an example more clear on the subject

aqui un ejemplo mas claro sobre el tema

 video of first conditional (positive)


This part is only positive and is divided in the following way

(If) (you take me to the movie theaters) , (I will wash the dishes)

condition, action in simple present and condition in simple future

Exercises: make 10 sentences and prints the exercises to the teacher.



Esta parte sólo es positiva y se divide de la siguiente manera

(If) (you take me to the movie theaters) , (I will wash the dishes)

condicion, accion en presente simple y condicion en futuro simple

Ejercicios: Has 10 oraciones e imprimelo para el maestro(a)

First conditional (negative)


the first conditional is the same as the first conditional positive but only with a small plugin will add you a not to the simple present and simple future for example:

(If) (you not wash the dishes), (you will not go to the party)

Exercises: make 10 sentences and prints the exercises to the teacher.


el first conditional es lo mismo que el first conditional positivo pero solo que con un pequeño complemento le agregaremos un not al presente simple y al futuro simple por ejemplo: 

(If) (you not wash the dishes), (you will not go to the party)

condicion, accion en presente simple , negativo y condicion en futuro simple en negativo

 Ejercicios: Has 10 oraciones e imprimelo para el maestro(a)


First Conditional (interrogative)


in this first conditional becomes something different from the previous ones because prayers are changed position condition going first and permission in second place and the question mark (?) for example:

(i will go to the party), (if i wash the dishes)(?)

 subject, future simple complement, (,) condition in simple present and complement



en este first conditional se hace algo diferente a los anteriores porque se cambian de posicion las oraciones la condicion va en primer lugar y el permiso va en segundo lugar y con el signo de interrogacion (?) por ejemplo:

(i will go to the party), (if i wash the dishes)(?)

sujeto, futuro simple complemento, (,) condicion en presente simple y complemento

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